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 Ward. Unknown Lady

ANTON CHEKHOV    The Cherry Orchard






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G. R. Ledger, Jan 2015. 




The setting is the same as that of the first act. There are no curtains at the windows, no pictures, only a few items of furniture remain all piled in a corner as if for a sale. It feels empty. Suitcases, boxes and other bundles are piled near the exits and at the back of the stage. On the left a door is open and the voices of Anya and Varya are heard. Lopakhin stands waiting. Yasha is holding a tray with glasses of champagne on it. In the hallway Epihodov is tying up a box. Behind the scene there is a hum of voices. It is the peasants who have come to say goodbye. The voice of Gayev “Thank you, brothers, thank you all.”

YASHA  The simple folk have come to say goodbye. I’m of the opinion, Ermolay Alekseyich, that the people are good, but they understand very little.

The hum of voices dies away. Lyubov Andreyevna and Gayev come in through the hall. She is not crying, but she is pale, her face is shaking and she can’t speak.

GAYEV  You gave them your purse Lyuba. It’s impossible! You can’t go on like that!

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  I couldn’t help it! I couldn’t help it! (They both leave.)

LOPAKHIN  (Calls after them through the door.) Please, I humbly invite you. Share a farewell glass. I forgot to bring any from the town, and at the station I could only find one bottle. Please join me. (Pause.) Well then, no joy, good folks? (He moves away from the door.) If I’d known I wouldn’t have bought it. Well I won’t drink it either in that case. (Yasha carefully places the tray on a table.) At least you have a glass Yasha.

YASHA  To those who are leaving! Happiness to those left behind! (He drinks.) This is not real champagne, I am sure of that.

LOPAKHIN  Eight roubles a bottle. (Pause.) It’s devilish cold here.

YASHA  They didn’t heat the place today. It doesn’t matter as we’re leaving. (He laughs.)

LOPAKHIN  Why are you laughing?

YASHA  From sheer enjoyment.

LOPAKHIN  It’s still October, but it’s sunny and calm, like summer. Good for building. (He glances at his watch then calls through the doorway.) Ladies and gentlemen, bear in mind that there’s just forty six minutes before the train leaves. That means that in twenty minutes you must be on your way. Please hurry.

Trofimov wearing an overcoat comes in from outside.

TROFIMOV  I reckon it’s time to be on our way. The carriage is ready. God alone knows where my galoshes are. They’ve vanished. (Shouts through the door.) Anya, my galoshes aren’t here. I haven’t found them.

LOPAKHIN  I’ve got to go on to Kharkov. I’ll go with you on the same train. I’ll spend the winter in Kharkov. I’ve been hanging round here with you lot, tortured myself by doing nothing. I can’t get by without work, I don’t know what to do, where to put my hands. They dangle around as if they belonged to someone else.

TROFIMOV  As soon as we go you can get on with your useful work.

LOPAKHIN  Have a glass of champagne.

TROFIMOV  No thanks.

LOPAKHIN  So, you’re off to Moscow now.

TROFIMOV  Yes, I’ll go with them to town, and then tomorrow on to Moscow.

LOPAKHIN  Yes... Well I suppose the professors won’t be giving their lectures, they’re waiting for you to arrive.  

TROFIMOV  None of your business.

LOPAKHIN  How many years have you been studying at University?

TROFIMOV  Think of a better joke. That one’s old and worn out. (Looks for his galoshes.) You know, you and I will probably never see each other again, so let me give you as a parting gift one bit of advice. Stop waving your arms around so much! Get out of that habit of gesticulating. And this business of building dachas and then pretending that out of these holiday makers in dachas you’ll eventually get individual land proprietors, that claim is also a form of gesticulation... Anyway, it’s all the same, I’m still very fond of you. You’ve got slim and delicate fingers like an artist, and your soul is slim and delicate...

LOPAKHIN  (Embraces him.) Goodbye old chap. Thank you for everything. If you need anything, borrow some money from me for the journey.

TROFIMOV  Why should I? I don’t need it.

LOPAKHIN  But you don’t have any!

TROFIMOV  I do. Thank you. I got something for a translation. It’s here, in my pocket. (Anxiously.) But my galoshes have vanished!

VARYA  (From another room.) Here, take your filthy galoshes! (Flings on to the stage a pair of rubber galoshes.)

TROFIMOV  Why are you so angry Varya? Hmm... But these are not my galoshes! 

LOPAKHIN  In the spring I sowed a thousand acres of poppy and I made a clear profit of forty thousand on it. And when my poppies were in bloom what a wonderful sight it was! So you see I earned forty thousand, and that means that I offer you a loan because I can manage it. Why are you snooty about it? I’m a peasant... with me it’s all straightforward.

TROFIMOV  Your father was a peasant, mine was a pharmacist, and from that we can deduce absolutely nothing. (Lopakhin takes out his wallet.) Forget it. Forget it... Even if you gave me two thousand I wouldn’t take it. And everything which you all value so highly, both rich men and beggars, it doesn’t have the slightest power over me, it’s like down which floats about on the wind. I can manage without you, I can walk past you, I’m strong and proud. Humanity is going forward to the highest truth, to the highest happiness that is possible on this earth, and I am in the vanguard of the ranks.

LOPAKHIN  Will you get there?

TROFIMOV  I will get there. (Pause.) I will get there, or I’ll show others the way to reach it.

In the distance is heard the sound of an axe starting to fell trees.  

LOPAKHIN  Well, goodbye old chap. It’s time to be going. You and I put on acts in front of each other, but life goes on its way regardless. When I work for long hours without a rest, then my thoughts become lighter and it seems to me as if I even know why I exist. But how many people, my friend, how many people there are who exist for no apparent reason. Oh well, it’s all the same, that’s not what makes the world go round. Leonid Andreich, they say, has got a post in a bank, six thousand a year. But I doubt he’ll stick to it, he’s too lazy...

ANYA  (From the doorway.) Mama asks if you would not cut down the orchard until she leaves.

TROFIMOV  Heavens above, how can you be so tactless... (He leaves through the hallway.)

LOPAKHIN  Alright, alright ... What a fuss, really. (He exits after Trofimov.)

ANYA  Has Feers been sent to the hospital?

YASHA  I made arrangements this morning. We presume they’ve sent him.

ANYA  (To Epihodov who is crossing the room.) Semyon Panteleyich, please ask if Feers has been taken to the hospital.

YASHA  (Offended.) I spoke to Yegor about it this morning. Why go asking a hundred times!

EPIHODOV  In my considered opinion, the geriatric Feers is beyond repair, he should join his forefathers. I can only envy him. (He puts a suitcase on top of a hatbox and flattens it.) There you are, you see. I just knew it! (He leaves.)

YASHA  Mockingly.) Twenty two misfortunes...

VARYA  (Behind the door.) Have they taken Feers to the hospital?

ANYA  They’ve taken him.

VARYA  Then why haven’t they taken the letter for the doctor?

ANYA  Well it’ll have to be sent after him... (She leaves.)

VARYA  (From the neighbouring room.)  Where’s Yasha? Tell him his mother’s arrived, she wants to say goodbye.

YASHA  (Waves his arms.) These people drive you to distraction.

Dunyasha is all the time fussing with the baggage. Now that Yasha is alone she goes up to him.

DUNYASHA  You could at least look at me once, Yasha. You’re going away... you’re ditching me... (She cries and throws herself round his neck.)  

YASHA  What’s the use of crying? (He drinks some champagne.) In six days I’ll be in Paris again. Tomorrow we’ll be on the express train and you won’t see us for dust. Vive La France!... Here it doesn’t suit me, I’m stifled... what can one do about it? I’ve had my fill of ignorance. [Points to his throat.] I’m up to here with it. (He drinks some champagne.) What’s the use of crying? Just behave with a bit of decency, then you won’t cry.

DUNYASHA  (Powders her face, looking in the mirror.) Send me a letter from Paris. I did love you so, Yasha, I loved you so much! I’m a frail creature, Yasha!

YASHA  There’s people coming. (He busies himself with the suitcases and hums quietly.)

Lyubov Andreyevna, Gaev, Anya and Charlotte Ivanovna enter.

GAYEV  You ought to be on your way. There’s not much time left. (He looks at Yasha.) There’s a whiff of herring round here.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  In ten minutes time we’ll get in the carriage... (She glances round the room.) Goodbye dear house, old grandfather. The winter will pass, the spring will come, and you will no longer be here, they’ll knock you down. What a lot these walls have seen! (She kisses her daughter emotionally.) My dearest treasure, how radiant you are, your eyes are glittering, like two diamonds. Are you contented? Really happy?

ANYA  I’m really happy. A new life is starting Mama.

GAYEV  (Cheerfully.) Absolutely, now everything is fine. Until the sale of the cherry orchard we were all on edge, we were suffering, and then, when the situation was resolved irreversibly, everything settled down, it even brightened up... Now I work in a bank, I’m a financier... the spot in the middle pocket, and you, Lyuba, you look better, there’s no doubt about it. 

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  Yes. My nerves are in a better state, that’s true. (She is given her hat and cloak.) I sleep well. Bring me my things, Yasha. It’s time. (To Anya.) My dear girl, we’ll meet again soon... I’m off to Paris. I’ll live there on the money that your Yaroslav grandmother sent to buy the estate – long live grandmother! ‒ but that money won’t last long.

ANYA  Mama, you’ll come back soon... isn’t that so? I’ll study hard, I’ll pass the exams at school, and then I’ll work and help you. We’ll read various books together... isn’t that right? (She kisses her mother’s hands.) We’ll read in the autumn evenings, we’ll read lots of books, and a new and wonderful world will open up before us... (She dreams.) Mama, do come back...

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  I will come back my treasure. (She embraces her daughter.)  

Lopakhin enters. Charlotte Ivanovna quietly sings a song.

GAYEV  Charlotte is happy. She’s singing!

CHARLOTTE  (She picks up a bundle which is in the shape of a swaddled baby.) My little one, bysey-bye... (The sound of a child crying is heard: wah, wah!) Shush, shush, my darling, my lovely boy. (Wah, wah!) I love you so, little one. (Throws the bundle aside.) But you, if you don’t mind, you must find me a place. I can’t go on like this.

LOPAKHIN  We’ll find you a place, Charlotte, don’t worry.

GAYEV  Everyone is ditching us, Varya is leaving... suddenly we’ve become unwanted.

CHARLOTTE  There’s nowhere for me to live in the town. I’ve got to leave... (Hums a tune.) Oh well, it’s all the same...

Pischik enters.

LOPAKHIN  A marvel of nature!...

PISCHIK  (Out of breath.) Oof, let me get my breath back, I’m exhausted... My most respected ... Let me have some water.

GAYEV  Come for money, I suppose. Your humble servant, I’ll remove myself from temptation... (He leaves.)

PISCHIK  Its a long time since I’ve been to see you... gorgeous lady... (To Lopakhin.) So you’re here... Pleased to see you... A man of great intellect... here... take this... (He gives Lopakhin some money.) Four hundred roubles... I still owe you eight hundred and forty...

LOPAKHIN  (Shrugs his shoulders in perplexity.) This is like a dream... Where did you get this?

PISCHIK  Wait... It’s so hot... A most extraordinary chain of events. Some Englishmen came to me and found some white clay in the ground... (To Lyubov Andreyevna.) And for you four hundred... most gorgeous lady... (Gives her some money.) The rest will follow. (Drinks some water.) Just now on the train a young man told us that there’s some... some great philosopher advises us to jump from the roof... ‘Jump!’ ‒ he says, and all your problems are solved. (Astonished.) Just imagine! Some water!...

LOPAKHIN  Who were these Englishmen?

PISCHIK  I rented the bit of land with the white clay to them for twenty four years... But now, pardon me, I have no time... I must rush on farther... I must go to Znoykov... and then to Kardamanov... I owe them all... (He drinks.) Good health to you all... I’ll come on Thursday...

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  We’re on our way to town, and tomorrow I go abroad...

PISCHIK  What? (Agitated.) Why to town? But I see, the furniture... the suitcases... Ah well, it’s nothing... (Tearfully.) It’s nothing... Men of the greatest intellect... Those English... It’s nothing... Good luck to you... May God speed you... It’s nothing... Everything on this earth comes to an end... (Kisses Lyubov Andreyevna’s hand.) And if news reaches you that my end has come, then remember this very same... horse, and say ‘There was a such and such... Simeyonov-Pischik... may he rest in peace.’... Such remarkable weather... Yes... (He leaves in a state of great distress, but returns immediately and speaks from the doorway.) Dashenka sends her greetings! (He leaves.)

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  Now we can go. But I have two worries. The first is ‒ Feers, he’s ill. (She looks at her watch.) We still have five minutes...

ANYA  Mama. Feers has already been sent to the hospital. Yasha had him sent this morning.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  My second worry is ‒ Varya. She’s used to getting up early and working, and now, without work, she’s like a fish out of water. She’s grown thin, and pale, and she cries, poor thing... (Pause.) You know this very well Yermolay Alexseyich; I dreamed of... you and she marrying, and everyone seemed to think that you would marry. (Whispers to Anya, who nods to Charlotte, and they both leave.) She loves you, and you liked her, and I don’t know, I really don’t know why you seem to avoid each other. I don’t understand it!

LOPAKHIN  I don’t understand it myself, to tell you the truth. It’s as if everything is strange... If there’s still time I’m ready even now... We’ll get it over and done with straightaway ‒ then all is settled, but without you, I feel that I’ll never propose to her.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  That’s excellent. After all it only needs a minute. I’ll call her right now...

LOPAKHIN  And we have champagne here just for the purpose. (He looks at the glasses.) They’re empty, somebody has already drunk it. (Yasha coughs.)  I just call that piggishness.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  (Excited.) Excellent.We’ll go out... Yasha, allez!... I’ll call her. (Through the doorway.) Varya, drop everything, come here. Come, come!

LOPAKHIN (Looks at his watch.) Yes... Pause.)

Behind the door restrained laughter, whispers, and finally Varya enters.

VARYA  (She inspects the luggage as if looking for something.) It’s strange, I can’t find it...

LOPAKHIN  What are you looking for?

VARYA  I put it here myself and now I can’t remember.

LOPAKHIN  Where are you going to after this, Varya?

VARYA  Me? I’m going to the Ragulins... I’ve agreed to run the place for them... As a sort of housekeeper...

LOPAKHIN  Is that in Yashnevo? That’ll be forty miles away. (Pause.) So, life has finished in this house...

VARYA  (Looking over the luggage.) Where can it be?...  perhaps I put it in a suitcase... Yes, life in this house has finished... It will be no more...

LOPAKHIN  And I’m off to Kharkov right now... the same train. I’ve a lot of work. I’m leaving Epihodov in charge here... I’ve taken him on.

VARYA  Really.

LOPAKHIN  Last year at this time there was snow already, if you remember, but now it;s still, and sunny. Only it’s rather cold... three degrees of frost.

VARYA  I didn’t check it. (Pause.) Besides, our thermometer is broken... (Pause.)

A voice is heard calling from outside ‘Ermolay Alexeyich!’

LOPAKHIN  (As if he had been waiting for this for a long time.) Right away! (He leaves quickly.)

Varya sits on the floor and leans her head on a bundle of clothing. She cries quietly. The door opens and Lyubov Andreyevna enters cautiously.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  Well? (Pause.) We must leave.

VARYA  (No longer weeping she dries her eyes.) Yes, it’s time, dearest mama. I can manage it to the Ragulins today but I mustn’t be late for the train.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  (Through the doorway.) Anya, get your coat on!

Anya enters followed by Gayev and Charlotte Ivanovna. Gayev is wearing a thick overcoat with a hood. A servant and coachmen enter. Epihodov fusses around the baggage.

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  Now we can start on the road.

ANYA  (Joyfully.) On the road!

GAYEV  My friends, my dearest and most blessed friends! In leaving this house forever can I be silent, can I refrain from uttering in farewell those feelings which well up and fill my entire being...

ANYA  (Pleading.) Uncle!

VARYA  Dear uncle, there’s no need.

GAYEV  (Gloomily.)  A cannon off the red into the middle... I’ll be quiet...

Trofimov enters, then Lopakhin.

TROFIMOV  Well then folks, it’s time to be on our way! 

LOPAKHIN  Epihodov, my overcoat!

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  I’ll sit here for one minute longer. It’s as if before I never saw what these walls were like, or the ceilings, and now I look at them with greediness, with such tender love...

GAYEV  I remember, when I was six, on Whit Sunday I sat in this window and watched as my father went to church...

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  Has everything been taken?

LOPAKHIN  Everything, it seems. (To Epihodov as he puts on his overcoat.) You make sure Epihodov that everything is kept in order.

EPIHODOV  (He speaks with a hoarse voice.) Set your mind at rest on that score, Ermolay Alexeyich.

LOPAKHIN  What’s the matter with your voice?  

EPIHODOV  I just drank some water and swallowed something.

YASHA  (With contempt.) Ignoramus...

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  We’ll leave, and there won’t be a soul left here...

LOPAKHIN  Until the spring.

VARYA  (She pulls out an umbrella from the corner as if she were going to give someone a swipe with it. Lopakhin pretends to be terrified.) Don’t be silly... I never even thought.

TROFIMOV  Come on good folks, let’s go and get in the carriage... It’s already time! The train leaves very soon!

VARYA  Petya, here they are, your galoshes, beside this suitcase. (Tearfully.) And how filthy they are, how old...

TROFIMOV  (Puts on his galoshes.) Let’s go good folks!...

GAYEV  (Deeply disturbed. He’s afraid he might cry.) The train... The station...  The spot in the middle pocket, the white with a cannon into the corner...


LOPAKHIN  Are all here? Is there anyone in here? (He locks the side door on the left.) Here things are packed away, it needs to be locked. Let’s go!...

ANYA  Goodbye house! Goodbye old life!

TROFIMOV  Welcome, new life!   (He leaves with Anya.)

Varya casts a glance round the room and goes out slowly. Yasha leaves, followed by Charlotte with her dog. 

LOPAKHIN  So, until the spring. Come on everyone... Till we meet again!... (He leaves.)

Lyubov Andreyevna and Gayev are left together. As if they have waited for this moment they throw their arms round each other and quietly cry, afraid that somebody might hear them.

GAYEV  (Despairingly.) My sister, my sister...

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  My dearest, my tender, my beautiful garden!... My life, my youth, my happiness, goodbye!... Goodbye!...

ANYA’S VOICE  (Happily and invitingly.) Mama!...

TROFIMOV’S VOICE  (Happy and excited.) Cooeee!..

LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  For the last time to look on these walls, these windows... Our dear mother used to love this room...

GAYEV  My sister, my sister!...

ANYA’S VOICE  Mama!...


LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA  We’re coming... (They leave.)  

The stage is empty. The sound of doors being locked is heard, followed by the noise of the departing carriages. Quietness descends. In the silence the dull sound of an axe chopping a tree resounds, a solitary and mournful sound. Footsteps are heard. Feers appears in the doorway on the right. He is dressed, as always, in a frock coat and a white waistcoat, and is wearing slippers. He is ill.

FEERS  (He goes to the door and tries to open it.) It’s locked. They’ve all gone... (Sits on the divan.) They forgot about me... It’s nothing... I’ll just sit here... But I’m sure Leonid Andreyich did not put on his fur coat, he went off in an overcoat... (Sighs with concern.) I did not check on it... He’s young and green! (He mumbles something which is impossible to understand.) My life has gone by, as if I had never been... (He lies down.) I’ll just lie down... Your strength has all gone, nothing is left, nothing... Ah you... you clumsy oaf!... (He lies motionless.)

A distant sound is heard, as if from the sky, the sound of a cable breaking, dying away and melancholy. Silence descends and the only sound is that of an axe chopping down a tree far away in the orchard.





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